Meet The Mother/Son Team at Century 21 Northwest

A Resilient Partnership in Phoenix Real Estate

Meet Angela and Steven: The Mother/Son Team at Century 21 Northwest

In the heart of Metro-Phoenix’s dynamic real estate landscape, The Mother/Son Team at Century 21 Northwest Realty stands out as a beacon of dedication, expertise, and heartfelt service. Anchored by the unique family partnership of Angela Horga and Steven West, our team embodies a legacy of real estate excellence with a personal touch. Our clients become an extension of our family.

With Angela’s rich experience in property appraisal and Steve’s natural flair for connecting with people, our team offers a unique blend of expertise and empathy. Our combined strengths ensure that every client we work with feels valued, understood, and confident in their real estate decisions.

Angela Horga

Angela M. Horga’s real estate journey, beginning in 1998, showcases her dedication and deep-seated knowledge in the field.

Steven West

Steven West’s path in the professional world has been a dynamic blend of leadership, sales, and a commitment to exceptional client service.

Our Story

The Journey Begins: Overcoming Adversity with Unity

In December 2019, Angela Horga’s life took an unexpected turn with a brain tumor diagnosis. Amidst this challenge, her son, Steven West, stepped into the realm of real estate to form what is now known as the Mother/Son Team. This decision began a unique partnership forged from resilience, showcasing the strength of family bonds in overcoming life’s hurdles and succeeding in the competitive Phoenix real estate market.

Building Success Together: A Story of Synergy and Growth

Navigating early challenges, Angela and Steven quickly learned the power of teamwork. This journey wasn’t just about real estate; it was about strengthening their family bond and combining their strengths to serve their clients better. Our collaboration led to significant milestones, shaping a successful path in the dynamic world of Phoenix property sales and purchases.

Our Values & Approach

Values That Drive Us: Family-Centric Real Estate Services

At the core of our team are values that resonate with family and trust. We approach each client relationship with the same care we would extend to our family, transcending beyond mere transactions. This philosophy has earned us lasting relationships with our clients and a respected reputation in the Phoenix-area real estate industry.

Unique Approach: Bringing a Personal Touch to Phoenix Homes

Our team brings professional expertise and personal care to each real estate transaction. Angela’s extensive background in property appraisal and Steve’s people-centric approach provide our clients with a balanced perspective, ensuring they receive the best possible advice and service, whether buying, selling, or investing in Phoenix-area real estate.

Our Clients & Community

Empowering Clients: Your Success is Our Mission

Our dedication goes beyond achieving financial goals; we’re committed to positively impacting our clients’ lives. By assisting buyers in challenging markets and providing sellers with innovative marketing strategies, we ensure each client’s journey to homeownership or successful sale is rewarding and fulfilling.

Committed to Our Community: Giving Back

Our team actively participates in community initiatives like the Salvation Army Water Drive, Vitalant Blood Drive, and St. Mary’s Food Bank. We believe in giving back, aligning our business practices with our commitment to making a difference in the lives we touch.

Inviting You to Join Our Real Estate Family

For those embarking on their home-buying or selling journey in Metro Phoenix, The Mother/Son Team is more than just agents; we are your guides, advocates, and partners. We invite you to start this journey with a team that puts your happiness and best interests first. Experience the difference with The Mother/Son Team, where every client is treated like part of our family.